There is no place like Purefoy!

There is no place like Purefoy!

Friday, April 23, 2010

City of Frisco/ School Safety Group

If you have driven through the intersection of El Dorado and Teel in the last month, you might have noticed someone just sitting with their laptop in the median watching traffic. Well, it's not just because it's the "happen' place to be". The city of Frisco has been working with FISD to decide the best way to handle the traffic flow that Purefoy will add to the already busy intersection.

Today we met with the Frisco City/School Safety Group. We all discussed traffic patterns for Purefoy and student's safety. Currently, we are assessing the best methods for carpool drop-off, pick-up, and parking. Currently, the city is working on putting in a stoplight and more sidewalks. This will help the situation, but just be prepared to get your babies to school before the carpool rush begins in the morning. :)
Stay tuned we will keep you updated on the flow of traffic.

The best news of all is they have started on the playground!!!! YAHOO!!


  1. I'm so happy to find this blog! It's great to have the inside scoop on the carpool/traffic issue. I have to admit, everytime I drive by I think, "I wonder what a traffic nightmare this will be?"... It's great to know that this is a priority and will work out the best way possible - traffic light, oh yeah. And, Yes, I HAVE seen the guy with a laptop, hanging out on a chair... looking as if he wished a Starbucks would appear before his very eyes. Great to know the scoop!

  2. Thank you for keeping us concerned parents updated on issues that truly affect us...such as this one. This is a new experience for us as my only son attends Purefoy this fall. Exciting and scary all at once!
