There is no place like Purefoy!

There is no place like Purefoy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Drum Roll Please.....

We met with the Team Leaders last night and have finally decided on a theme for next year!!!
Purefoy Paradise
And the t-shirt design has been narrowed down to two options!!!
I will make sure to post the winner as soon as colors and designs are nailed down!
Happy First Week of Summer!


  1. I was wondering if our school colors have been chosen?

  2. Elementary Schools in Frisco don't have specific colors or mascots. We can use the feeder middle school or high school's mascots. As far as colors, we are free to change them and use any combination we like! I can tell you the staff shirts are navy and for the Friday t-shirts, we are leaning towards a blue or a brown with the design we have chosen. Maybe we can just go with a "hawaiian print" instead of a color next year??
    Hope this helps!

  3. I tried ordering a school supply pack online a few times, but each time I typed in PUR015 it said username does not exist. Help please! :)
